Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Second Season

Here in the Shire, it's common to start planting in late August and September
for the second season of gardening.
Cool weather crops like spinach, lettuce, and other greens are common.
Lots of people plant ornamental kale and pansies in September.
The best part of planting pansies 
is that they will bloom from now right through late June.
This year, I have a plan that will bring those winter flowers  a little closer., uploaded by irish eyes

Because we live at sea level and near the river,
our heating and air conditioning units 
are elevated on a small deck of their own.
There's an unused space on the deck just outside the breakfast room window, 
and it always seemed like a good place to have some flowers.
Earlier this summer, I found a wrought iron stand
to hold a 24-inch planter outside the window.
So for the "second season," I plan to plant pansies there.
They should be beautiful.
And I'm looking forward to opening the window
and watering them from inside the house!

Still Waters blog goes on hiatus beginning tomorrow,
Monday, September 1, 2014 through Monday, December 1, 2014.
With nearly 1,000 daily blog posts from the Shire available 
 in the archives, this will be a good time 
to catch up on what you might have missed.
(Please report any problems with the archives
to me at Thanks!)

I'll check in from time to time between now and December. 
Till then . . .

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