Saturday, August 30, 2014

Autumn Leaves

Even though it's not officially autumn for three more weeks,
a few leaves are already turning colors.
Here are three I found this morning while I was walking:
This scarlet leaf is beautiful:

I love the orange ones even more
because orange seems like such a happy, exciting color:

But the red and yellow ones are sublime,
even with a little wear and tear:

Ready or not, autumn is on the horizon.
Just one more post before the Still Waters blog goes on hiatus from
Monday, September 1, 2014 through Monday, December 1, 2014.
With nearly 1,000 daily blog posts from the Shire available 
 in the archives, this will be a good time 
to catch up on what you might have missed.
(Please report any problems with the archives
to me at Thanks!)

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