Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Gardening in the Shade

There is an adage that I've heard from time to time:
"thank God for unanswered prayers."
It is so true.
I thought of that today when I was looking for flowers to buy.

Purple coneflowers and black-eyed Susans--not for the shade. 

Every flower that I wanted had the two words I've come to dread:
 "full sun."
Full sun means I have to pass the flower by 
because most of the planting areas I'm buying for are shady.
Too much shade.
And how did I get so much?

 I once lived in a house that had not one dapple of shade,
and every day I gardened in the unrelenting sun,
I'd pray that one day I'd have shade.

And now, I have too much shade
 and as it turns out,
very few summer flowers will grow in the absence of direct sunlight.
I want to hope and pray for more sun.
But considering the last outcome,
I'm holding off.

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