Sunday, February 16, 2014

Still Waters

The earth has  music for those who listen.
                 --George Santayana

Happy Birthday to us!
Today the Still Waters: Notes from a Virginia Shire blog
turns two years old.

I started the Still Waters blog because I wanted to 
provide readers a moment of tranquility, a respite if you will, 
from the pressures and busy-ness of daily life.

Still Waters blog strives to connect to the rhythms of the seasons
and the day-to-day changes taking place in nature as it unfolds 
imperceptibly around us.

Photo by Liz Larson

And as part of that unfolding,
I also write about how we mark the passage of time
through holiday celebrations and customs that have often been handed down 
over hundreds and hundreds of years.

And there's no place better to do that than from this Virginia Shire.

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