Friday, November 1, 2013

November Rain

October 31st was a  beautiful weather day here in the Shire--
a blue sky, white clouds, and warm sun in the morning,
followed by an overcast but balmy evening perfect for little trick-or-treaters.

November arrived overnight.
The weather was still warm this morning, but the wind was blustery.
I watched in amazement as one gust shook an avalanche of gold pine needles
and red and yellow maple leaves out of the trees.
To say the forest floor was carpeted with fallen tree debris is an understatement.

Then late this afternoon, gray clouds tumbled in and rain began.
And it rained and it rained--a misty, drippy, water-licious kind of rain.
I was thankful the temperature was still warm 
or that much rain might have been unpleasant.

Photo: Google Images

So that is November, often rainy, usually cool.
Thanksgiving is still a few weeks off, but I'm already thankful.
Anytime I don't have to wear a winter coat in late autumn or early winter,
it's a good day.

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