Sunday, November 17, 2013

Indian Summer

One of the things I have always liked about living in the Shire
is our long growing season.
Often we can get all the way to Thanksgiving without a killing frost.
And because our average winter temperatures are usually above freezing,
it's possible to see roses blooming in January. 

And today was one of those gems: 
a gorgeous late autumn day full of sunshine and temperatures in the 70s.
Lots of people worked outside doing the rest of the autumn clean up--
me included. 
I also planted hydrangeas that I had rooted earlier this spring
and some sedum that has been waiting patiently for planting.
At one point, I looked up from what I was doing
and was startled at how beautiful the trees were in the sunlight:
so many different shades of orange and yellow and red.
The light glowed.

Ironic that it's the cooler fall temperatures that cause the leaves to turn 
from cool to warm.
Sometimes things are perfect just the way they are,
especially when a summer day pops up in November.

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