Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Oyster Roast

Living in the Shire means 
we can enjoy various kinds of local shellfish.
Oysters are common in the tidal rivers here 
and have been for hundreds of years.

In fact, archaeologists recently uncovered 400-year-old oyster shells
at Jamestown Colony.
And often we can see oyster shells embedded 
in the foundations of old buildings and in old walls.
The shells were a common addition to cement and mortar.

Here's a garland of oyster shells:

Of course, today, most oysters are for eating, not building.
A lot of local people eat oysters.
I'm not one of them, but a lot of people love them.

Tonight we went to an oyster roast.
The night was warm--unusual for this time of October--and damp. 
But the light sprinkles of rain 
seemed to make the twinkle lights twinkle even more.
The fall decorations were beautiful:
orange and yellow fall leaves, pumpkins and a wreath or two.
And one faux crow sitting in a holly tree surveyed the scene.

Twinkle lights in trees add a festive touch to any gathering:

In the house on the other side, 
a golden lab rested its chin on the window sill
and watched the party unfolding below. 
It might be my imagination, but I'd swear she looked right in my eyes.

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