Friday, September 20, 2013

Autumn 2013

I have to admit that, despite my recent posts 
about fall flowers, autumn 2013 has completely sneaked up on  me.
Today and tomorrow present us with the last two days of summer.
The summer season has been waning and I didn't even know it.

Come Sunday, September 22nd at 4:44pm EDT
in the Northern Hemisphere,
summer will be over and autumn will be here.
Hmmm, that must be why I've also been seeing Christmas decorations
for the past few weeks.

Hal Borland, an American journalist,
once wrote:
Summer ends, and Autumn comes,
and he who would have it otherwise 
would have high tide always 
and a full moon every night.

I take your point, Hal.
But I have to say,
a full moon every night doesn't sound that bad.

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