Monday, April 8, 2013

Late Spring

After a few sunny days and some warmer temperatures 
spring days have arrived in the Shire.
Yet this is a late springtime.
Last year, the two redbud trees we've tended since they were sprouts
burst into bloom before March 15th.
This year, the weekend of April 6th-7th marks their beginning.
That's about a 3-week delay.
Which means the litter and debris and green powdered pollen
has yet to come off the trees and make everything a mess.

Redbud from March last year. 
See the 3 little pekingese enjoying the spring?
There's a 4th one in the picture, can you find it?

But I'm not complaining, for it is finally spring in my corner of the Virginia shire.
 Here are a few other signs of late spring
around my house:
the creeping Jenny has crept to the top of the planter boxes,
and the variegated vinca vine in one of my hanging pots 
just sent out a purple-blue trumpet shaped flower.
The hydrangea seedling now has 4 leaves, but remains unplanted
until its owner can find the time and the motivation.
But even better, the larger hydrangea shrubs are leafing out
and soon they will look like this:

photo from

The violet I got from my father's house is spreading a carpet of tiny green leaves,
but as yet, not purple violets.
And speaking of plants I got from my father...
last year I dug up  some orange day lilies from in front of his house.
They haven't bloomed, but this spring, to my delight,
I see that they have spread.
I now have 3 day lily plants
with  long green leaves cascading like water from a fountain.
If my good fortune continues, 
maybe this summer they will look like this:

photo from

And a few strawberries have survived the long, dark winter.
And best of all, the ancient mint plant that grew next to the porch at my parents' house
has returned for another summer.

Late spring, early spring.
I don't care which because it's a great feeling
whenever it arrives.

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