Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Attracting Hummingbirds

This morning, a hummingbird flew near some deep violet impatiens on the deck,
but passed them up in favor of several pale hosta blossoms.
This was the first hummingbird I've seen this year.

We plant impatiens because they grow well in the shade 
but also because hummingbirds love them.
I didn't know they liked hosta blossoms, however.
The little hummingbird that showed up today really did.


Just a couple of days ago, I looked out my kitchen window
and wondered out loud, "where are the hummingbirds this year?"
And then this morning one showed up.
This has happened to me several times over the years:
I ask where they are, one shows up.
Telepathy? Magic? 
Maybe a little of both.

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