Just a week ago,
one shy violet peeked out from beneath its green leaf.
Today, there are dozens of purple violets standing on slender green stalks.
There are more this spring than I've ever had,
and since they are supposed to be edible,
I've been tempted to "harvest" a few
to try some recipes.

I found recipes for violet syrup,
violet sugar,
sugared violets,
violet vinegar,
and violet tea made from the leaves.
Apparently both leaves and flowers are edible,
so I can also make a violet salad.
And yet ...
I think I'd rather look out my kitchen window for a few more days
and see dozens of purple violets instead of
picking them and eating them up.
But I keep thinking how lovely sugared violets would be
on a white-frosted Easter cake.
Stay tuned ...
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