Friday, January 17, 2014

New Year for Trees

When I was looking for January celebrations,
I ran across one that I had never heard of before,
but I thought it sounded beautiful.
It's called Tu B’Shevat and it usually takes place January 15th - 16th.
 It's an observance in Israel that is a kind of a "new year for trees."
It's also sometimes called "Jewish Arbor Day."

If I understand it correctly, 
this is the season in Israel when the earliest blooms emerge on flowering trees,
and a new cycle of growth begins.
It is customary to eat fruit. 
Also carob, which takes many years to mature, is eaten
because it symbolizes our acknowledgment 
that we must patiently work today to invest in our future, 
even though there is no visible or immediate gain.    

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