Saturday, July 13, 2013

Garden Arbors and Arches Part Three

The more I searched for photos of garden arbors these last couple of days,
the more I found those that were both beautiful and unique.
I wondered if I could find different colored arbors,
so I launched into Google Images. 
I didn't find as many as I had hoped
because it seems most garden arches and arbors
are either white or natural wood.
But here are some of the painted ones I found.

I started with blue arbors and arches,
 two of which were shown in yesterday's blog.
Here's another one: a combination gate and arch, copied from Pinterest:

How about a lot of deep royal blue?

The intense blue landscape above
makes this terracotta-red garden arch look sedate in comparison:

Here's a garden arch dressed in rainbow colors
at a children's playground. I think the idea was to make this
a Wizard of Oz theme. But if that's the case, I would surround the arch
with a rainbow of brightly colored annuals.
A little further on, I'd plant a large bed of bright red poppies.
I'd put in a yellow-brick path through the arch,
and then paint the play sets emerald green.
I mean, if you're going to go for the Wizard of Oz,
you should really go for it, right?

This next photo by 
shows a yellow-painted garden arch made from old doors: 

The web site has directions for making it in case this appeals to you.
I would like it better if it were a cinnabar red.

Finally, we'll close with this simple green arch along a stream:

After looking at so many garden arbors and arches,
I've concluded the best ones are those
that are covered in a climbing flower or vine of some kind.
It helps them blend into the garden
and makes them look like they've been there a very long time.

Tomorrow, garden delights of a different kind.

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