Saturday, June 29, 2013


One of the prettiest perennials I've ever seen is the cosmos.
I haven't had much experience growing it, 
but  my sister in Montana always has one or two planted around her house
and when I've seen them, they are very pretty.

Cosmos  flowers have 3 fringed petals around a golden center
and the foliage is feathery like dill,
which I like because foliage like that is good for softening hard edges
in the landscape.

Cosmos come in beautiful jewel tones like deep pinks:

And yummy orange-juice yellows:

And of course, pinks, whites and violets:

I just planted one that is kind of a deep burgundy pink with a yellow center.
Burgundy isn't my favorite color, but I'm anxious to see how these turn out.
They should be a nice pop of color against the tan siding on the house 
and will complement the old purple-red brick of the foundation.
We shall see.
If they do well, I'll supplement with some whites and pinks--
and maybe a little gold to give the bed a little sunshine.

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