Yesterday I drove by an unusual sight:
a mass of lipstick-red cannas easily 20 feet wide and as many feet deep.
They were also quite tall, probably five or six feet.
Taken all together, those red cannas created an amazing scene.
We once had red cannas planted to obscure the electric meter
on the side of our first house in Virginia Beach.
I can't recall if those cannas were red, which seems likely,
or coral pink which seems equally likely
when viewed through the mist of memory.
Regardless, what I do know is
that cannas come in lots of pretty spectacular colors.
Here's a coral pink with flashes of yellow and ivory:
And these yellow ones with coral spots look very exotic:
I like this lemony yellow one better though:

These candy stripe ones are unusual:

But pink ones have their own special gifts:
Wikipedia says that cannas are a cousin to ginger.
Maybe that's what gives cannas their extra snap!
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