Friday, March 29, 2013

Geese, Sunshine, and Other Things

Yesterday and today, sunshine has once again lit the corners of the Shire.
Temperatures are still cooler than normal,
but the sunshine has encouraged many of the flowering trees to finally open.

After I wrote the blog about the Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs,
I seemed to see geese where ever I went.
In recent days, I've had occasion to drive by a large open field
and it has been populated by hundreds of geese
greedily plucking insects from the grass.
The sight was surprisingly calming.

Then today I was back and so were they. 
The time of day was much earlier 
and they seemed to be just waking up to bask in the sun.

photo courtesy of

And today is the culmination of a work project 
that has taken a lot of my free time lately,
and also the beginning of Easter weekend.
This is one weekend I won't have to spend working at my computer,
and I hope the break will renew my lagging energy.
I hope to bask in the sun like the geese and take my time.
So these weekend hours will almost be like a new beginning for me.
New life...isn't that what spring and Easter are all about?
I think it is. And that's what I wish for all of you.

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