Saturday, March 23, 2013

Eternal Spring

Come gentle spring!
Ethereal mildness, come.
                   ---James Thomson

Yesterday the sun was shining
and I had high hopes that I would start to see 
flowers and trees blooming in profusion
as one sunny day unfolded after another.

photo courtesy of

Alas, this morning brings another chilling cold, gray, and overcast day.
So today, the Still Waters blog juxtaposes photos of the spring we long for
with a profusion of quotes about the other spring, the one we're getting so far.
Because in my reading, it has become clear that there are two kinds of spring:
the one that unfolds gracefully and gently, 
and the other one that comes in fits, starts, and tantrums, like a cranky toddler.
I think we all know which one we're having.

photo courtesy of

Mark Twain:
In the spring I have counted one hundred and thirty-six
different kinds of weather
inside of four and twenty hours.

photo courtesy of

Chinese Proverb:
Spring is sooner recognized by plants
than by man.

Author unknown:
Spring ...
wind and rain and other sorrow
warm today and cold tomorrow

photo courtesy of

Henry Van Dyke:
The first day of spring is one thing, and the first spring day is another.
The difference between them is sometimes as great as a month.

I hope we only have to wait a month.
Until we know for sure,
we'd best follow the sentiments of  Victor Hugo:
winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart.

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