Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Early Spring: A Confusion of Seasons

Although my Christmas poinsettias, now long-legged and leaf-dropping,
are still hanging on at my house ...
although my cold-weather pansies and snowdrops are full and vigorous ...
even though we are only a few weeks into winter
and still slogging through one of the longest months of the twelve ...
it seems spring is unwilling to wait its turn this year.

Because the Shire is in the southeastern corner of Virginia,
we have the advantage of warming ocean breezes
that often save us from the snow and ice visited on other areas.
But violet-pink henbit peeking over sidewalks in mid-January? 
Golden yellow dandelions dotting green grass?
Tender purple violets soaking up glimpses of sunshine?
All these tell me that spring seems determined to arrive early.

my January violets:

I'm not complaining,
this recent weather seems to have prompted the birds 
to sing in the early morning again.
At night, the sky is clear and the stars sparkle around the bright moon.
But I am concerned that the emerging leaves of iris--now several inches tall-- 
 are vulnerable to winter's continued influence and its killing frosts.
But what can one do to alter such a turn of events?
Not one thing.
Que sera, sera.
If nothing else, these too-early flowers 
are a nice reminder that winter won't last forever.

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